[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Few people associate organization with self-care. Yet, to declutter your life is one of the most effective ways to take better care of yourself—emotionally, mentally, and physically. And since self-care is defined as the actions we take to improve our health, happiness, and well-being, can we agree that slimming down our living spaces is critical?

Lately, my office has become the frontline in my war against “stuff.” Before that, it was my bedroom drawers, master closet, and bathroom storage areas. Each time I’ve confronted the clutter and worked to pare it down, I’ve enjoyed amazing results.

What’s more, I feel pampered when I go into one of these renewed and revitalized areas of my home. Is it time to declutter your home?

Why You Need to Declutter Your Life

Typically, I use this platform to talk about how healthy eating and regular exercise can help you age energetically. So, why the subject of decluttering? Because, like exercise and proper nutrition, it represents another way to show up for yourself. And when you take this step, you’ll feel the same sense of pride and confidence you do when you make better fitness decisions.

Decluttering is about far more than creating an attractive living space. It’s also a way to make room for new behaviors. We often fill the voids in our lives with clutter. Whether it be in the form of memorabilia, family treasures, keepsakes from the kids, or that heap of get-to-it-later projects that we never get to. Which voids are you trying to fill with “stuff”?

How Clutter “Messes” with Our Lives

One of the most challenging aspects of clutter is that it’s hard to see how damaging it is once we’ve grown accustomed to living with it. After all, many of us have been amassing our individual trove for decades. But did you know that left unchecked, clutter can negatively impact your life?

Make no mistake, clutter steals your time, space, energy, and peace-of-mind. For example, a cluttered home takes longer to clean and requires more effort and work. It also feels more stressful when there’s stuff everywhere. Clutter comes with the constant risk of new messes, too. After all, clutter begets clutter. And it makes it more challenging to locate what you own when you need it.

Decluttering for Well-Being

Most of us agree that our homes should be sanctuaries. Places where we retreat to relax and renew. But destressing in a messy home proves impossible. Visual clutter distracts and bombards our senses. It adds unnecessary anxiety to our lives. Coexisting with clutter leads to the opposite of self-care, self-neglect.

The solution? Begin taking steps to declutter your life today. That said, be patient with yourself, too. No one teaches us how to declutter or the value gained by mastering this skill. Fortunately, I’ve found these two fantastic reads filled with helpful decluttering tips to get you started:

declutter your life

Take a Step in the Right Direction

Decluttering is just one step in the right direction when it comes to pursuing your best life. Next, you must address fitness and nutrition. If you’re ready to reclaim your youth, vibrancy, and best body at 50+, I’m here to help.

Access my free video training now to jumpstart your journey into the Age Well System. Or book a complimentary phone call to discuss your fitness goals and how we can work together to achieve them.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]